Exploring Primitive Christianity


as understood by Jesus and the earliest Christians

edited by Robert Nguyen Cramer (version


The biblical passages in each section are numbered in the order of the approximate date of the writing of that book of the Bible. Unless otherwise specified all the Bible verses below are from the Today's English Version (TEV: Copyright 1976, 1992, American Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.). In those TEV texts, Jesus teachings about marriage and divorce are in red and bold.


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(1.1) 1Co 7:10-16 - written sometime between 52 and 54 A.D. (Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthians 15 to 20 years prior to the writing of the first gospel, which was the gospel according to Mark, written in about 70 A.D. In the entire New Testament, 1Co 7:10-16 then is the earliest written representation of Jesus' teachings on the subject of marriage divorce.)

(1.2) Mar 10:2-12 - written about 70 A.D. (See also Matthew 19:3-9, Mat 5:32, Luke 16.18.)

(1.3) Mat 19:3-9 - written about 80 A.D. (See also Mar 10:2-12, Mat 5:32, Luk 16:18.)

(1.4) Mat 5:32 - written about 80 A.D.

(1.5) Luk 16:18 - written about 90 A.D.

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2. LEAVE SPOUSE TO FOLLOW CHRIST? (The section below includes significant corrections to some of the KJV wording.)

(2.1) Mar 10:28-30 - written about 70 A.D.

(2.2) Mat 19:27-29 - written about 80 A.D.

(2.3) Luk 18:28-30 - written about 90 A.D.

(2.4) Luk 14:26 - written about 90 A.D.

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3. ONE SPOUSE: The Pastoral Epistles teachings about "the husband of one wife" and "the wife of one man"

(3.1) 1Ti 3:2-5,12 - commonly believed to have been written in Paul's name early about 115 A.D.

(3.2) 1Ti 5:9 - commonly believed to have been written in Paul's honor and name about 115 A.D.

(3.3) Tit 1:5,6 - commonly believed to have been written in Paul's honor and name about 115 A.D.

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4. SALVATION FOR ALL: Christ ministers ao us all, regardless of our history

(4.1) John 4:7-24 - commonly believed to have been written sometime between 70 and 95 A.D.

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In what is known as "the Sermon on the Mount," Jesus tells us,

In "the Sermon on the Mount" and elsewhere, Jesus deals with the subject of divorce (see Mat 5:32), but neither Jesus nor Paul was attempting to establish new human codes to which Christians or others were additionally bound or by which we should judge each other. Jesus and Paul were teaching (and illustrating with their lives) the most direct way of experiencing one's relationship with God. Jesus' love-inspired teachings and life show us the way of freedom.

Consistent with the New Testament writings that genuinely represent Christian practices in the first twenty to forty years after Jesus' resurrection and ascension, a married Christian would not have initiated a divorce (see 1Co 7:15), except maybe in the case of the unfaithfulness or unlawfulness, as described above regarding Mat 5:32 and Mat 19:9.

Though not specifically mentioned in the New Testament in the context of divorce, spouse-abuse or child-abuse could also be considered a form of "unfaithfulness" or "unlawfulness," which are the two different possible meanings of the Greek word porneia in Mat 5:32.

Paul had originally persecuted Christians, but through God's grace he found "the Way" to salvation through the life and teachings of Christ Jesus. Even Peter, who was one of the first whom Jesus chose to be among the twelve Apostles, lost his way several times, but eventually, repentantly he came back and faithfully served the cause of Christ.

The books of the New Testament were not written for the purpose of enabling us to self-righteously judge each other on this or any other issue. Nor should they ever be used in that way. They were written to help each of us find 'the narrow way' in Christ and to help us experience the liberating and healing influence of God's unconditional love -- as we progressively learn to live that unconditional love. God's Word as expressed in the original texts of the New Testament unite us all in loving fellowship in Christ, to the praise and glory of God. As Paul put it so well in his letter to his church family in Rome:

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Copyright 1996-2005 Robert Nguyen Cramer
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