Commentary on

the Comforter / the Advocate

(version 5.01)

by Robert Nguyen Cramer

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In the KJV the same New Testament Greek word parakletos <Strong's Greek dictionary word #3875> is translated "Comforter" in Joh 14:16 and is translated "advocate" in 1Jo 2:1. The NRSV, TEV, and others translate parakletos in various ways in both verses, as illustrated below.

The Greek word parakletos is the basis for our modern (though infrequently used) English word paraclete. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Unabridged Edition (McLean, VA: Mac Donald Publishing Company, no date) states:

The writer of 1 John (1Jo 2:1) refers to Jesus as a parakletos <Greek word #3875> (Advocate or Comforter); and in the Gospel of John (Joh 14:16), Jesus himself implies that he had been serving as a parakletos <Greek word #3875> (Advocate or Comforter) and that he will give his followers another parakletos <Greek word #3875> (Advocate or Comforter).

The court case allegory in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (pages 430-442) by Mary Baker Eddy, refers to "Christian Science" appearing as "counsel" or "attorney" for Mortal Man. (See S&H  434:8 and 436:32.) In that allegory, the role of "the attorney, Christian Science" is identical to the role of the Comforter (Advocate, Defense Attorney, parakletos <Greek word #3875>) as described above.

(The New Testament uses the term satan or devil for "the accuser" of mankind, and uses the term Paraclete -- or Advocate, Comforter, Counselor -- as "the defender" of mankind. To read an article that explains the courtroom-like adversarial relationship of the Comforter and Satan/the Devil, browse http://www.bibletexts.com/terms/satan.htm.)

In various translations of the New Testament, the Greek word parakletos <Greek word #3875> is translated:


In 1 John, the full text of the verses (as translated by the NRSV) describing Jesus as a parakletos <3875> (the Advocate or the Comforter) is as follows:


In the Gospel of John, Jesus describes the parakletos <3875> (the Advocate or the Comforter) as being:

In the Gospel of John, the full text of the verses (as translated and paragraphed by the NRSV) describing the parakletos is as follows:


The Comforter (the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth) actively speaks, pleads, and powerfully implements the truth of Christ, on behalf of Christ -- proving and declaring the truth, and guiding his followers into all truth -- to the glory of God. The Comforter's mission and activity have been vital to Christian life and ministry since the first century.

Referring to the Comforter (the parakletos <3875>, the Advocate), Mary Baker Eddy (the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science), writes:

About this Comforter, "the Science of Christianity," "divine Science," she also writes (S&H 471:23):

As understood in Christian Science and in the Gospel of John, the Comforter is "a divine utterance." Rather than considering Christian Science to be a uniquely nineteenth century appearing or phenomenon, Mrs. Eddy refers to her "rediscovery" of Christian Science (My 284:1). She also writes:

She does refer to her major literary work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, as containing "the full statement of Christian Science" and as being "the voice of Truth to this age" (S&H 456:25-30). Christian Scientists accept the teachings and practice of Christian Science to be vital parts of the modern-day work of the Comforter. They also consider the Christian Science that Mrs. Eddy discovered to be the "final revelation of the absolute divine Principle of scientific mental healing" (S&H 107:1). But the Comforter itself is not confined in or limited to any particular denominational organization or worship. As I stated above, the Comforter (the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth) actively speaks, pleads, and powerfully implements the truth of Christ, on behalf of Christ -- proving and declaring the truth, and guiding his followers into all truth -- to the glory of God. The Comforter's mission and activity have been vital to Christian life and ministry since the first century. (See also S&H 150:4; S&H 577:28.) Mrs. Eddy writes:

Speaking of the Comforter's active role in her discovery, Mrs. Eddy says (S&H 123:19-29) that divine Science was revealed to her "through the teachings of the Comforter, as promised by the Master."

Mrs. Eddy frequently refers to Divine Science (again, understood in Christian Science to be "the Comforter") as "eternal Science," and writes:

Of Christian Science (divine Science [or the Comforter] "reduced to human apprehension" - see above quote from S&H 471:23), Mrs. Eddy writes:

Of the modern-day activity of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, "eternal Science," Mrs. Eddy writes:

Mary Baker Eddy writes of her own experience with the Comforter, "the Science of Christianity:"

Mrs. Eddy also loudly echoes the biblical significance of the Comforter in her twelve-page court-case allegory, where "Christian Science" triumphantly acts as "counsel" (advocate, defense attorney) for a sick "Mortal Man." (See S&H 430:13 - 442:15) Her "allegory in which the plea of Christian Science heals the sick" (S&H 430:13) strongly coincides with the courtroom terminology sometimes used in the New Testament when describing Jesus healings. (For examples of such courtroom terminology, see the commentary on Matthew 9:2-9 at http://www.bibletexts.com/versecom/mat09v02.htm and the commentary on Luke 13:10-17 at http://www.bibletexts.com/versecom/luk13v10.htm.)

"The living, palpitating presence of Christ, Truth" (see above, S&H 351:8) directly coincides with the descriptions of the Comforter in the Gospel of John (Joh 14:16-20; 15:26; 16:13,14). Knowing that the Gospel of John equates the Comforter (the Advocate, NRSV) with the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit, NRSV) or "the Spirit of truth," Mrs. Eddy also writes,


In a letter to the Romans (Rom 8:26, 27, NRSV), Paul writes of the dynamic activity of "the Spirit" -- the Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost, KJV), known in the Gospel of John as "the Spirit of truth" and "the Comforter " (or Advocate/Defense Attorney):

Paul immediately continues his letter, emphasizing the Defense Attorney function of "the Spirit" in language that evokes images of court proceedings. (See also S&H pages 430-442). Further describing the interceding, protective, guiding, and triumphant activity of that "Spirit of truth" (the Comforter, the Advocate) on our behalf in the defeat of Satan (the devil, the Accuser, the Slanderer, the Prosecuting Attorney), Paul writes:


The terms "the Spirit" or "the Holy Spirit" (or "the Holy Ghost") is used 224 times in the New Testament. When reading the New Testament, it is very edifying to take the various terms for parakletos,

You can interchange these terms to see the richness of meaning and the ever-active presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, just as it was in the lives of the prophets, of Jesus, of the apostles, and of Christians throughout the ages. It is also instructive and throught-provoking to substitute "Divine Science" or "the Science of Christianity" wherever "the Spirit" or "the Holy Spirit" (or "the Holy Ghost") appears in the biblical text.

When reading the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the genuine meaning and biblical foundation of "Divine Science" or "the Science of Christianity" can be more fully comprehended by substituting

wherever the term "Divine Science," "the Science of Christianity," or any other synonymous term appears in Mrs. Eddy's writings.

The Scripture quotations above are from:

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