
"Abba! Father!"

by Robert Nguyen Cramer (


Romans 8:15

Though Jesus words were reported in the original texts of the New Testament in Greek, his everyday language was Aramaic. Some of the original Aramaic foundation of dialog and names can be seen throughout the New Testament. The Aramaic word Abba, which is used in Mar 14:36, Rom 8:15, and Gal 4:6, can be translated as Father. In Aramaic more nearly has the significance of the term Daddy or Papa. World-renown Joachim Jeremias, an Aramaic specialist and an authority on early Christian history, published a classic article entitled "Abba" (reprinted in Jeremias' book, The Prayers of Jesus, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967, 1978, pages 11-12), in which he wrote:

Copyright 1996-2004 Robert Nguyen Cramer