Bible quotations, paraphrases, and allusions in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (by Mary Baker Eddy)

plus historical references to S&H that are found in Peel's and others' biographies

This webpage is now and will continue to be a work in progress. Copyright 1996-2005 Robert Nguyen Cramer (version
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book cover iii vii viii ix x xi xii
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Pages i to 99

(The first lines of each paragraph and paragraph marginal headings are shown on the left side in bold.)

Cover of S&H
Top of Page



S&H cover

Introductory pages of S&H
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S&H iii

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S&H vii:1

S&H vii:13

S&H vii:22

S&H vii:27

S&H viii:9

S&H viii:24

S&H ix:1

S&H ix:10

S&H ix:20

S&H ix:26

S&H x:3

S&H x:11

S&H x:22

S&H xi:1

S&H xi:9

S&H xi:22

S&H xi:25

S&H xii:6

S&H xii:23


I. Prayer
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S&H 1-17 - entire chapter

S&H 1:-0 - scriptural introduction

S&H 1:1

S&H 1:10

S&H 2:1 - Right Motives

S&H 2:8 - Deity unchangeable

S&H 2:15

S&H 2:23 - God's standard

S&H 2:31

S&H 3:4 - The spiritual mathematics

S&H 3:12

S&H 3:17 - Prayerful ingratitude

S&H 3:27

S&H 4:3 - Efficacious petitions

S&H 4:12

S&H 4:17 - Watchfulness requisite

S&H 4:27 - Veritable devotion

S&H 5:3 - Sorrow and reformation

S&H 5:14

S&H 5:22 - Cancellation of human sin

S&H 5:29 - Diabolism destroyed

S&H 6:3 - Pardon and amendment

S&H 6:11

S&H 6:17 - Mercy without partiality

S&H 6:23 - Divine severity

S&H 6:29

S&H 7:1

S&H 7:8 - Audible praying

S&H 7:17 - Emotional utterances

S&H 7:27 - Danger from audible prayer

S&H 8:1

S&H 8:10 - Aspiration and love

S&H 8:28 - Searching the heart

S&H 9:5 - Summit of aspiration

S&H 9:17 - Practical religion

S&H 9:25 - The chalice sacrificial

S&H 10:5

S&H 10:14

S&H 10:17 - Perfunctory prayers

S&H 10:22 - Asking amiss

S&H 11:5 - Remission of penalty

S&H 11:12 - Truth annihilates error

S&H 11:21 - Desire for holiness

S&H 12:1 - Prayer for the sick

S&H 12:16

S&H 12:22

S&H 12:27 - Love impartial and universal

S&H 13:5 - Public exaggerations

S&H 13:20 - Corporeal ignorance

S&H 14:1 - Bodily presence

S&H 14:12 - Spiritualized consciousness

S&H 14:25

S&H 14:31

S&H 15:3 - Spiritual sanctuary

S&H 15:14 - Effectual invocation

S&H 15:25 - Trustworthy beneficence

S&H 16:1 - Loftiest adoration

S&H 16:7 - The prayer of Jesus Christ

S&H 16:15

S&H 16:20

S&H 16:24


II. Atonement and Eucharist
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S&H 18-55 - entire chapter

S&H 18:-0 - scriptural introduction

S&H 18:1 - Divine oneness

S&H 18:13 - Human reconciliation

S&H 19:12

S&H 19:17 - Efficacious repentance

S&H 19:29 - Jesus' sinless career

S&H 20:6

S&H 20:14 - Perfect example

S&H 20:24 - Behest of the cross

S&H 21:1 - Moral victory

S&H 21:9

S&H 21:15 - Inharmonious travellers

S&H 21:25 - Zigzag course

S&H 22:3 - Moral retrogression

S&H 22:11 - Wait for reward

S&H 22:18

S&H 22:23 - Deliverance not vicarious

S&H 22:30 - Justice and substitution

S&H 23:12 - Doctrines and faith

S&H 23:21 - Self-reliance and confidence

S&H 23:32

S&H 24:4 - Life's healing currents

S&H 24:11 - Radical change

S&H 24:20 - Purpose of crucifixion

S&H 24:27

S&H 25:3 -True flesh and blood

S&H 25:13 - Effective triumph

S&H 25:22

S&H 26:1 - Individual experience

S&H 26:10 - Christ's demonstration

S&H 26:19 - Proof in practice

S&H 26:28

S&H 27:10 - Living temple

S&H 27:17

S&H 27:22 - Recreant disciples

S&H 27:28

S&H 28:1 - Help and hindrance

S&H 28:9

S&H 28:15 - Misleading conceptions

S&H 28:22 - Persecution prolonged

S&H 28:32 - Christian warfare

S&H 29:7

S&H 29:12 - The Fatherhood of God

S&H 29:20 - Spiritual conception

S&H 29:30

S&H 30:5 - Jesus the way-shower

S&H 30:14

S&H 30:19 - Rebukes helpful

S&H 30:26

S&H 31:4 - Fleshly ties temporal

S&H 31:12 - Healing primary

S&H 31:25 - Painful prospect

S&H 32:3 - Sacred sacrament

S&H 32:15

S&H 32:20 - Spiritual refreshment

S&H 32:28 - Jesus' sad repast

S&H 33:3 - Heavenly supplies

S&H 33:13

S&H 33:18 - The holy struggle

S&H 33:27 - Incisive questions

S&H 34:10 - Millenial glory

S&H 34:18 - Fellowship with Christ

S&H 34:29 - The last breakfast

S&H 35:10

S&H 35:19 - Spiritual Eucharist

S&H 35:30 - Final purpose

S&H 36:10

S&H 36:19 - Righteous retribution

S&H 36:30 - Vicarious suffering

S&H 37:5 - Martyrs inevitable

S&H 37:16 - Complete emulation

S&H 37:32 - Jesus' teaching belittled

S&H 38:10

S&H 38:21 - Material pleasures

S&H 39:1 - Mockery of truth

S&H 39:10 - A belief suicidal

S&H 39:18 - Present salvation

S&H 39:31 - Sin and penalty

S&H 40:8

S&H 40:17 - Suffering inevitable

S&H 40:25 - Service and worship

S&H 40:31 - Within the veil

S&H 41:8 - The thorns and flowers

S&H 41:14 - Healing early lost

S&H 41:22 - Immortal achieval

S&H 42:1

S&H 42:5 - A belief in death

S&H 42:9 - Cruel desertion

S&H 42:15 - Death outdone

S&H 43:3 - Pentecost repeated

S&H 43:11 - Convincing evidence

S&H 43:21 - Divine victory

S&H 43:32

S&H 44:5 - Jesus in the tomb

S&H 44:13

S&H 44:20 - The deific naturalism

S&H 44:28 - Obstacles overcome

S&H 45:6 - Victory over the grave

S&H 45:16 - The stone rolled away

S&H 45:22 - After the resurrection

S&H 45:32

S&H 46:6 - Spiritual interpretation

S&H 46:13 - Corporeality and Spirit

S&H 46:20 - Spiritual ascension

S&H 46:30 - Pentecostal power

S&H 47:10 - The traitor's conspiracy

S&H 47:16

S&H 47:27

S&H 47:31 - Gethsemane glorified

S&H 48:10

S&H 48:17 - Defensive weapons

S&H 48:25 - Pilate's question

S&H 49:1

S&H 49:7 - Students' ingratitude

S&H 49:14 - Heaven's sentinel

S&H 49:26 - Cruel contumely

S&H 50:5 - A cry of despair

S&H 50:19 - Divine Science misunderstood

S&H 50:26 - The real pillory

S&H 51:6 - Life-power indestructible

S&H 51:19 - Example for our salvation

S&H 51:28

S&H 52:1 - Master's business

S&H 52:9 - Purity's rebuke

S&H 52:19 - Saviour's prediction

S&H 52:29 - Dematory accusations

S&H 53:8 - Reputation and character

S&H 53:16 - Inspiring discontent

S&H 53:25 - Bearing our sins

S&H 53:32

S&H 54:8 -Inspiration of sacrifice

S&H 54:21 - Spiritual friendship

S&H 54:29 - Injustice to the Saviour

S&H 55:6

S&H 55:15

S&H 55:27


III. Marriage
Top of Page



S&H 56-69 - entire chapter

S&H 56:-0 - scriptural introduction

S&H 56:1

S&H 56:7 - Marriage temporal

S&H 56:15 - Fidelity required

S&H 57:1

S&H 57:4 - Mental elements

S&H 57:15 - Affection's demands

S&H 57:22 - Help and discipline

S&H 57:31

S&H 58:5 - Chord and discord

S&H 58:12 - Mutual freedom

S&H 58:24 - A useful suggestion

S&H 58:31 - Differing duties

S&H 59:7

S&H 59:17 - Trysting renewed

S&H 59:23

S&H 59:27 - Permanent obligation

S&H 60:4 - Permanent affection

S&H 60:12

S&H 60:16 - Centre for affections

S&H 60:24 - Spiritual concord

S&H 60:29

S&H 61:4 - Ascendency of good

S&H 61:14 - Propensities inherited

S&H 61:24

S&H 61:29

S&H 62:4

S&H 62:8 - Inheritance heeded

S&H 62:20 - The Mind creative

S&H 62:27 - Superior law of Soul

S&H 63:5 - Spiritual origin

S&H 63:12 - The rights of woman

S&H 63:18 - Unfair discrimination

S&H 63:28

S&H 64:1

S&H 64:8 - Benevolence hindered

S&H 64:17 - Progressive development

S&H 64:26

S&H 65:1 - Blessing of Christ

S&H 65:7 - Righteous foundations

S&H 65:13 - Powerless promises

S&H 65:20 - Transition and reform

S&H 65:29

S&H 66:1

S&H 66:6 - Salutary sorrow

S&H 66:17

S&H 66:21 - Patience is wisdom

S&H 66:30 - The gold and dross

S&H 67:4 - Weathering the storm

S&H 67:18 - Spiritual power

S&H 67:25

S&H 67:30 - Basis of true religion

S&H 68:9

S&H 68:16 - Insanity and agamogenesis

S&H 68:27 - God's creation intact

S&H 69:17

IV. Christian Science versus Spiritualism
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S&H 70:-0 - scriptural introduction

S&H 70:1 - The infinite one Spirit

S&H 70:12 - Real and unreal identity

S&H 71:1

S&H 71:5

S&H 71:10 - Dream-lessons

S&H 71:21 - Found wanting

S&H 71:27

S&H 72:1

S&H 72:9 - Spirits obsolete

S&H 72:17

S&H 72:21 - Scientific phenomena

S&H 73:3

S&H 73:8 - One government

S&H 73:15

S&H 73:19 - Incorrect theories

S&H 73:26 - No mediumship

S&H 74:3 - Opposing conditions

S&H 74:17 - Bridgeless division

S&H 74:29

S&H 75:1 - Unscientific investiture

S&H 75:8

S&H 75:12 - Raising the dead

S&H 75:21

S&H 75:25 - Vision of the dying

S&H 76:6 - Real Life is God

S&H 76:18

S&H 76:22 - Immaterial pleasure

S&H 76:32

S&H 77:5 - Second death

S&H 77:13 - A dream vanishing

S&H 77:22 - Progress and purgatory

S&H 78:1 - Unnatural deflections

S&H 78:6 - Absurd oracles

S&H 78:16

S&H 78:21 - Spirit intangible

S&H 78:28

S&H 79:1 - Thought regarding death

S&H 79:7 - Fallacious hypotheses

S&H 79:17

S&H 79:23 - Mistaken methods

S&H 79:29 - Divine strength

S&H 80:6 - A denial of immortality

S&H 80:12 - Mysticism unscientific

S&H 80:19 - Physical falsities

S&H 80:25

S&H 81:1 - Poor post-mortem evidence

S&H 81:7 - No proof of immortality

S&H 81:17 - Mind's manifestations immortal

S&H 81:31 - Reading thoughts

S&H 82:9 - Impossible intercommunion

S&H 82:18

S&H 82:31

S&H 83:6

S&H 83:12 - Natural wonders

S&H 83:21 - Conflicting standpoints

S&H 84:3 - Scientific foreseeing

S&H 84:14

S&H 84:19 - The Mind unbounded

S&H 84:28 - Scienfitic foreknowing

S&H 85:7 - Value of intuition

S&H 85:15

S&H 85:23 - Hypocrisy condemned

S&H 86:1 - Mental contact

S&H 86:13 - Images of thought

S&H 86:25 - Phenomena explained

S&H 87:5 - Mental environment

S&H 87:13 - Second sight

S&H 87:19 - Burried secrets

S&H 87:29 - Recollected friends

S&H 88:9 - Illusions not ideas

S&H 88:18

S&H 88:26 - Trance speaking illusion

S&H 89:9

S&H 89:18 - Scientific improvisation

S&H 89:25 -Divine origination

S&H 89:32

S&H 90:6 - Mind is substance

S&H 90:16 - Mortal delusions

S&H 90:24 - Scientific finalities

S&H 91:1

S&H 91:5

S&H 91:9 - Man's genuine being

S&H 91:16

S&H 91:22 - Erroneous postulates

S&H 91:25

S&H 91:27

S&H 91:29

S&H 91:32

S&H 92:3

S&H 92:9

S&H 92:11 - Knowledge of good and evil

S&H 92:21 - Opposing power

S&H 92:32 - The age's privilege

S&H 93:10 - Logic and revelation

S&H 93:15

S&H 93:21 - Derivatives of spirit

S&H 94:1 - Scientific man

S&H 94:12

S&H 94:17 - Ingratitude and denial

S&H 94:24 - Spiritual insight

S&H 95:12

S&H 95:19 - Christ's reappearance

S&H 95:28 - Spiritual awakening

S&H 96:4 - The darkest hours of all

S&H 96:12 - Arena of contest

S&H 96:21

S&H 96:25 - Millenial glory

S&H 96:31

S&H 97:5 - Dangerous resemblances

S&H 97:21

S&H 97:26

S&H 97:29 - Christianity still rejected

S&H 98:4 - Spiritual fore-shadowings

S&H 98:15 - Revelation of Science

S&H 98:22 - Science as foreign to all religion

S&H 98:31 - Key to the kingdom

S&H 99:18

S&H 99:23

See continuation of this resource at













Copyright 1996-2005 Robert Nguyen Cramer