Hebrew and Greek words used in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Hebrew: aman
Hebrew - aman
Strong's - Hebrew 539 (see also Hebrew 529; Hebrew 530; Hebrew 571; Greek 4100; Greek 4102)
KJV - believe, assurance, believe, bring up, establish, be faithful (of long continuance, steadfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified), nurse, trust, stability, turn to the right. [Note: The word "belief" is not used in the KJV Old Testament.]
NRSV - believe, nurse, guardians of the children, faithfulness, stability, established, honestly, truth, what is right, faithfully, trustworthy
BDB (page 52,53) - confirm, support. {Qal} 1. as verb: support, nourish. 2. as substantive: foster-father. 3. foster-mother, nurse... {Niph.} 1. carried by a nurse. 2. made firm, sure, lasting. 3. confirmed, established, sure. 4. verified, confirmed. 5. reliable, faithful, trusty. {Hiph.} 1. stand firm. 2. trust, believe
Online Hebrew dictionary definition - click here
S&H references
S&H 488:7 The Hebrew and Greek words often translated belief differ somewhat in meaning from that conveyed by the English verb believe; they have more the significance of faith, understanding, trust, constancy, firmness. Hence the Scriptures often appear in our common version to approve and endorse belief, when they mean to enforce the necessity of understanding.
1996-2002 Robert Nguyen Cramer