Hebrew and Greek words used in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Greek: logos
Greek - logos
Strong's - Greek 3056
NRSV (the uses of the word in various contexts in the NRSV text)
account, accounts, answer, arguments, book, commandment, complaint, discussing, ground, message, question, rumor, said, saying, sayings, sentence, speaker, speech, story, talk, teaching, testimony, utterance, why, word, words
CGED (A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament, by Barclay M. Newman, New York: United Bible Societies, 1993, page 108)
something said (e.g. word; saying; message, teaching; talk, conversation; ..preaching (1Tm 5.17); Word (in Johannine Christology); account, settlement of an account; value (Ac. 20:24); reason, grounds...; charge (Ac. 19.38); matter, thing (Ac. 8.21); book (Ac. 1.1)
Online Greek dictionary definition - click here
S&H references
S&H 134:21-26 - The true Logos is demonstrably Christian Science, the natural law of harmony which overcomes discord,--not because this Science is supernatural or preternatural, nor because it is an infraction of divine law, but because it is the immutable law of God, good.
S&H 335:7 - Spirit, God, has created all in and of Himself. Spirit never created matter. There is nothing in Spirit out of which matter could be made, for, as the Bible declares, without the Logos, the Aeon or Word of God, "was not anything made that was made." Spirit is the only substance, the invisible and indivisible infinite God. Things spiritual and eternal are substantial. Things material and temporal are insubstantial.
S&H 525:17 - In the Gospel of John, it is declared that all things were made through the Word of God, "and without Him [the logos, or word] was not anything made that was made." Everything good or worthy, God made. Whatever is valueless or baneful, He did not make,--hence its unreality. In the Science of Genesis we read that He saw everything which He had made, "and, behold, it was very good." The corporeal senses declare otherwise; and if we give the same heed to the history of error as to the records of truth, the Scriptural record of sin and death favors the false conclusion of the material senses. Sin, sickness, and death must be deemed as devoid of reality as they are of good, God.
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1996-2002 Robert Nguyen Cramer