Book Review
Synopsis of the Four Gospels
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Synopsis of the Four Gospels (edited by Kurt Aland, New York: United Bible Societies, 1987, ABS Catalog #00104005 ) - This outstanding resource shows in four parallel columns a verse-by-verse comparison between accounts and teachings in the four gospels. Four columns with the Greek text are on the left-hand page, and four columns with the English text (RSV) are on the facing right-hand page. The Greek side of the page also includes (in Greek) many footnotes regarding textual variations in ancient manuscripts. The English side also includes footnotes detailing the following: (1) the differences between the KJV text and the RSV (Revised Standard Version) text and (2) other biblical cross-references to each parallel verse. In the appendix there are two indices, "I. Index of the Gospel Parallels" and "II. Index of New Testament Passages."

The parallel Greek texts are very useful to those exploring the development of the synoptic gospels, including the fact that many of the corresponding verses in Matthew, Mark, and Luke have very similar Greek wording, even though Jesus actually addressed his disciples and other followers in Aramaic. In other cases, differences in the Greek wording between corresponding gospel accounts also provide useful food for thought.

The publisher's catalog describes the contents of this book as follows:

There is another edition of this book with the exactly same title, Synopsis of the Four Gospels (ABS Catalog #00102706), which has only the English text and footnotes. The publisher's catalog describes the contents as follows:

There is another edition of this book, Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum (ABS Catalog #00104004), which has only the Greek text and footnotes, in which even greater detail is provided in the ancient manuscript notations. The publisher's catalog describes the contents as follows:

These may be ordered from the American Bible Society [ABS] (phone: 1-800-322-4253, or online at


Copyright 1996-2002 Robert Nguyen Cramer