"Radical reliance on Truth" Honestly exploring its meaning in the church membership application process |
"It is not wise to take a halting and half-way position or to expect to work equally with Spirit and matter, Truth and error. There is but one way--namely, God and His idea--which leads to spiritual being. The scientific government of the body must be attained through the divine Mind. It is impossible to gain control over the body in any other way. On this fundamental point, timid conservatism is absolutely inadmissible. Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized. Substituting good words for a good life, fair seeming for straightforward character, is a poor shift for the weak and worldly, who think the standard of Christian Science too high for them." (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (S&H), page 167:22-3)
Table of contents
eligibility requirements for membership applicants - all
the references below are from the Church Manual, by Mary
Baker Eddy
Believe in Christian Science. SECTION 1. To become a member of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., the applicant must be a believer in the doctrines of Christian Science, according to the platform and teaching contained in the Christian Science textbook, SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Rev. Mary Baker Eddy. The BIBLE, together with SCIENCE AND HEALTH and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching and practising metaphysical healing. (Man 34:4)
Free from Other Denominations. SECT. 2. This Church will receive a member of another Church of Christ, Scientist, but not a church member from a different denomination until that membership is dissolved. (Man 34:17)
Children when Twelve Years Old. SECT. 3. Children who have arrived at the age of twelve years, who are approved, and whose applications are countersigned by one of Mrs. Eddy's loyal students, by a Director, or by a student of the Board of Education, may be admitted to membership with The Mother Church. (Man 35:1)
[Applications to be signed by loyal members of The Mother Church.] Loyal members of The Mother Church are eligible to approve candidates to unite with this Church. (Man 109:3)
[Applications to be countersigned by a Director or by an authorized teacher, if the signer is not a Director or an authorized teacher.] No persons are eligible to countersign applications except loyal students of Mrs. Eddy, Directors, and students of the Board of Education who have been given a degree, and are members of The Mother Church. (Man 109:6)
One who [1] is not a member of any church, excepting a branch church of Christ, Scientist, who [2] loves Christian Science, and [3] reads understandingly the Bible, and SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES, by Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, and other works by this author, and who [4] is Christianly qualified and [5] can enter into full fellowship with the Tenets and Rules of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., is eligible to membership. (Man 118:5-12)
Guidance to Mother Church members regarding Christian healing
- all the references below are from the Church Manual, by
Mary Baker Eddy
We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity with God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; and we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life, and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death. (Man 15:14)
At a meeting of the Christian Scientist Association, April 12, 1879, on motion of Mrs. Eddy, it was voted,--To organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing. (Man 17:8)
Mrs. Eddy was appointed on the committee to draft the Tenets of The Mother Church--the chief corner stone whereof is, that Christian Science, as taught and demonstrated by our Master, casts out error, heals the sick, and restores the lost Israel: for "the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner." (Man 17:14)
THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, IN BOSTON, MASS., is designed to be built on the Rock, Christ; even the understanding and demonstration of divine Truth, Life, and Love, healing and saving the world from sin and death; thus to reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant. (Man 19:1-6)
Moral Obligations. SECTION 1. The Readers of The Mother Church and of all its branch churches must devote a suitable portion of their time to preparation for the reading of the Sunday lesson,--a lesson on which the prosperity of Christian Science largely depends. They must keep themselves unspotted from the world,--uncontaminated with evil,--that the mental atmosphere they exhale shall promote health and holiness, even that spiritual animus so universally needed. (Man 31:4)
The BIBLE, together with SCIENCE AND HEALTH and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching and practising metaphysical healing. (Man 34:12)
Formulas Forbidden. SECT. 9. No member shall use written formulas, nor permit his patients or pupils to use them, as auxiliaries to teaching Christian Science or for healing the sick. Whatever is requisite for either is contained in the books of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Sometimes she may strengthen the faith by a written text as no one else can. (Man 43:5)
Duty to Patients. SECT. 23. If a member of this Church has a patient whom he does not heal, and whose case he cannot fully diagnose, he may consult with an M.D. on the anatomy involved. And it shall be the privilege of a Christian Scientist to confer with an M.D. on Ontology, or the Science of being. (Man 47:4)
Testimonials. SECT. 24. "Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" (St. Paul). Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important. More than a mere rehearsal of blessings, it scales the pinnacle of praise and illustrates the demonstration of Christ, "who healeth all thy diseases" (Psalm 103:3). This testimony, however, shall not include a description of symptoms or of suffering, though the generic name of the disease may be indicated. (Man 47:11-20)
No Monopoly. SECT. 30. A Scientist shall not endeavor to monopolize the healing work in any church or locality, to the exclusion of others, but all who understand the teachings of Christian Science are privileged to enter into this holy work, and "by their fruits ye shall know them." (Man 49:1)
Christian Science Nurse. SECT. 31. A member of The Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick. (Man 49:7)
Members of this Church who practise other professions or pursue other vocations, shall not advertise as healers, excepting those members who are officially engaged in the work of Christian Science, and they must devote ample time for faithful practice. (Man 82:16)
Motive in Teaching. SECTION 1. Teaching Christian Science shall not be a question of money, but of morals and religion, healing and uplifting the race. (Man 83:4)
Normal Teachers. SECTION 1. Loyal students who have been taught in a Primary class by Mrs. Eddy and have practised Christian Science healing acceptably three years, and who present such credentials as are required to verify this fact, are eligible to receive the degree of C.S.D. (Man 89:11)
Qualifications. SECT. 2. Loyal Christian Scientists' pupils who so desire may apply to the Board of Education for instruction; and if they have practised Christian Science healing successfully three years and will furnish evidence of their eligibility therefor, they are eligible to enter the Normal class. All members of this class must be thorough English scholars. (Man 89:18)
Healing Better than Teaching. SECT. 7. Healing the sick and the sinner with Truth demonstrates what we affirm of Christian Science, and nothing can substitute this demonstration. I recommend that each member of this Church shall strive to demonstrate by his or her practice, that Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly, thus proving this Science to be all that we claim for it. (Man 92:3)
See also "Christian healing" at http://www.bibletexts.com/topics/christianhealing.htm#mbe.
Addressing members' and applicants' use of non-therapeutic drugs
that are grouped together in Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures
If branch churches include on membership applications or interviews the limited question, "Are you free from the use of alcohol and tobacco?," would it not be more appropriate, honest, and fair with regard to applicants and current members to more comprehensively ask, "Are you free from the use of the following substances, all of which are grouped together in Mrs. Eddy's writings?" (The words in bold are those used by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.)
Addressing members' and applicants' use of material preventive
and therapeutic means mentioned in Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures
If branch churches include on membership applications or interviews the limited question, "Are you free from the use of drugs and medication?," would it not be more appropriate, honest, and fair with regard to applicants and current members to more comprehensively ask, "Are you free from the use of the following material preventive and therapeutic means, all of which are categorized similarly in Mrs. Eddy's writings as being in conflict with the practice of Christian Science?"
(The words in bold are those used by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Today Mrs. Eddy likely would list many more material preventive and therapeutic means that are popular today.)
Some other questions for members and applicants
who are parents (derived from Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures)
If churches employ questions about "radical reliance" on their membership applications or interviews, it would be only fair also to ask applicants (and current members): "Do you ever say to your child or to others ?"
Fidelity of current members to the standards required
of applicants
An even more probing question then arises, "What would be the "score" of current church members, including the approvers and Membership Committee interviewers, if they themselves were asked all of the above questions?"
For a variety of reasons, the elegantly simple Manual-based Mother Church membership application form and process may be the best guides for the branch church membership application form and process. (For example, maybe for a branch church application the signature of a branch church officer would be acceptible in an analogous role as an authorized teacher's counter signature on Mother Church applications.) On the original Church Manual application, just as on the current Church Manual application form, there is no inquisitory questionnaire. The approvers are the ones responsible for looking into the applicants' hearts and lives and determining whether they are "eligible to membership." (See "eligibility requirements" above.) It ultimately comes down to the fact that each member and each applicant is to work out their own salvation.
The prevailing wisdom in many branch churches today is that anyone using medication should disqualify themselves from serving as Reader, Sunday School teacher, Reading Room staff, Board member, or committee chairperson. If that "wisdom" is honestly and non-hypocritically applied, anyone using any of the 12 material preventive and therapeutic means also should disqualify themselves from serving in those positions.
Rather than many members -- if genuinely honest -- disqualifying themselves from serving in the above-mentioned roles, it may be better for all members to regularly reaffirm that freedom from "medication" and the other 11 above-listed material remedies is part of the standard of Christian Science practice, which should be the standard that each Christian Scientist strives to maintain. As a general rule it may be prudent and most fair to leave to each member's demonstration whether or not to serve in any particular capacity, if called upon to serve.
For those committee chairs who themselves are completely free from the use of any of the above-listed non-therapeutic drugs, who are free from the use of any of the above-mentioned 12 material preventive and therapeutic means, and who are completely Christianly qualified (see http://www.bibletexts.com/manual/christianly-qualified.htm), it could be considered their right to supportively explore with prospective church committee chairs their degree of radical reliance on spiritual means; otherwise, it would be hypocritical to do so. Likewise, for those Boards of Trustees where all members are themselves free from the use of any of the above-listed non-therapeutic drugs, who are free from the use of any of the above-mentioned 12 material preventive and therapeutic means, and who are completely Christianly qualified, it could be considered their right to supportively explore with prospective applicants (and current members) their degree of radical reliance on spiritual means; otherwise, it would be hypocritical to do so, unless those Board members also honestly expose their own use of any of the above-listed non-therapeutic drugs, their own use of any of the above-mentioned 12 material preventive and therapeutic means, or their own lack of Christian qualifications.
A branch church should respond very compassionately toward those church members who have felt it necessary to turn to material means for healing or survival -- after weeks, months, or years of faithfully seeking Christian healing through the help of Christian Science practitioners. In this regard we should give careful consideration to Mrs. Eddy's following descriptions of the role and responsibility of Christian Science practitioners for such unsuccesful efforts that have led to material dependencies:
The remedial power of Christian Science is positive, and its application direct. It cannot fail to heal in every case of disease, when conducted by one who understands this Science sufficiently to demonstrate its highest possibilities. [Mis 44:8]
The ability to demonstrate to the extent that Jesus did, will come when the student possesses as much of the divine Spirit as he shared, and utilizes its power to overcome sin. [Mis 55:5]
It is often asked, "If Christian Science is the same method of healing that Jesus and the apostles used, why do not its students perform as instantaneous cures as did those in the first century of the Christian era?" In some instances the students of Christian Science equal the ancient prophets as healers. All true healing is governed by, and demonstrated on, the same Principle as theirs; namely, the action of the divine Spirit, through the power of Truth to destroy error, discord of whatever sort. The reason that the same results follow not in every case, is that the student does not in every case possess sufficiently the Christ-spirit and its power to cast out the disease. The Founder of Christian Science teaches her students that they must possess the spirit of Truth and Love, must gain the power over sin in themselves, or they cannot be instantaneous healers. [Mis 40:9-25]
Jesus never spoke of disease as dangerous or as difficult to heal. When his students brought to him a case they had failed to heal, he said to them, "O faithless generation," implying that the requisite power to heal was in Mind. [S&H 147:32-4]
Note: In response to his disciples' question, "Why could we not cast it out?" Jesus' actual New Testament words surprisingly were simply, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer." This begs the question, what means had the disciples been trying to use to heal the boy?If you fail to succeed in any case, it is because you have not demonstrated the life of Christ, Truth, more in your own life,--because you have not obeyed the rule and proved the Principle of divine Science. [S&H 149:12]
Good must dominate in the thoughts of the healer, or his demonstration is protracted, dangerous, and impossible in Science. A wrong motive involves defeat. [S&H 446:15-18 (to 2nd .)]
If Christian Scientists ever fail to receive aid from other Scientists, -- their brethren upon whom they may call, -- God will still guide them into the right use of temporary and eternal means. Step by step will those who trust Him find that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." [S&H 444:7]
After all, should practitioners have their branch church roles reduced when some of their former patients have found it necessary to turn to material means for healing or survival after unsuccessful Christian Science treatment ? Of course not. Then why should some branch churches make practitioners' unhealed patients feel penalized for seeking other 'temporary means' for healing or survival. Unfortunately there have been some isolated instances of branch churches having stripped of all roles and even the right to attend membership meetings longtime loyal member who were unhealed through long periods of Christian Science treatment and who in desperation sought material means for survival. As a result, a few practitioners sadly seeing such unjust treatment of their former patients have silently withdrawn themselves from some church responsibilities and even from the public practice of Christian Science! Such tragic occurences point to a lack of the very primitive Christianity that The Church of Christ, Scientist, was purposed to reinstate. (See Man 17:8)
To further explore the history, challenges, and opportunities for Christian healing:
The all-important Manual-based question, "Is
the applicant Christianly qualified?"
To explore some criteria for being "Christianly qualified," see:
It also would be similarly constructive, supportive, and unquestionably appropriate for each current member and each membership applicant to regularly ask himself/herself the questions listed in above link on what it means to be "Christianly qualified," which should be considered the singularly most important membership requirement. Those questions are based upon the 10 Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, Paul's teachings, the Church Manual, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Such questions would promote self-examination, self-abnegation, and repentance, which Mrs. Eddy strongly encourages. (See S&H 447:20-27; 462:20-31; 471:16-18; Mis 108:14-23; 109:28; 112:24; 137:23-27; 154:1-155:14, 317:5-9; 355:6-356:21; 358:12-15; Ret 86:1-16; My 161:14-16. See also 2Co 13:5)
Even in the case where a fellow church member is glaringly departing from the Tenets or By-Laws "and found having the name without the life of a Christian Scientist" (Man 50:13), organized action must be preceded by one-to-one action, in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17, as required by the Church Manual. (See Man 50:13-51:19.)
It is worth noting that Mrs. Eddy's instruction regarding removing a teacher or Reader from their duties is based upon "character" shortcomings that would require that teacher or Reader to be "repentant and forgiven." (Man 55:10) The probationary period for such character failures is "three years of exemplary character." The Manual's twelve-year ban on membership for "unjust and unmerciful conduct" (Man 54:7) should also be pondered very seriously. Does the typical membership application questionnaire even address the "character" issues? Does it ensure fulfillment of the Manual-requirement that applicants be "Christianly qualified?" Is the application process itself representative of "unjust and unmerciful conduct?" These all are questions that need deep consideration.
It is proverbial that we have the government that we deserve. It might also be said that we have the church that we deserve. We all need to be less hypocritical and genuinely more compassionate with each other, then thriving churches that represent such healing compassion would be the rule rather than the exception. Even the chapter on "Christian Science Practice" begins with an emphasis on compassion. (See especially S&H 362:1 to 367:16.) That chapter's beginning also provides a stern rebuke of self-righteousness and material conservatism, together with a strong condemnation of and warning against "hypocrisy, stolidity, inhumanity, and vice." These are the non-exemplary character traits that we most need to keep out of our churches, while faith, hope, and love are to be welcomed in -- and "the greatest of these is love.". (See 1Co 13:13.)
Each church and all churches within The Church of Christ, Scientist (including The Mother Church, branch churches, societies, and Christian Science organizations) are locally self-governed and have the right and privilege to work out how best to fulfill their individual missions to their communities. This includes each branch church's "distinctly democratic" decisions regarding its membership application form and process. The Mother Church, all branch churches, and all church members have the duty to be supportive to all other Journal-listed churches' self-government, to not interfere with other churches' affairs, and to maintain an attitude of Christian fellowship. (See Man 51:7; 70:10; 71:9-13; 73:26, 75:15.) As Mrs. Eddy lovingly requires in the Church Manual, "Gratitude and love should abide in every heart each day of all the years." (Man 60:15-17.)
Additional food for thought comes in knowing that in the churches of Paul's day, Christian baptism was the rite of passage by which individuals united with the church body of Christ. In other words, this was the membership application process of the earliest church. Being baptised -- becoming a member of the church body -- was considered the beginning of one's journey, a symbol and a Spirit-empowering component of one's commitment to the way of Christ -- not a recognition that one had already arrived. In the same way, it may be considered that joining The Mother Church and/or a branch church is the beginning of a new journey, not the point of arrival at the final destination. Paul himself wrote (Phi 3:12-15, TEV):
I do not claim that I have already succeeded or have already become perfect. I keep striving to win the prize for which Christ Jesus has already won me to himself. Of course, my brothers and sisters, I really do not think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize, which is Gods call through Christ Jesus to the life above. All of us who are spiritually mature should have this same attitude. But if some of you have a different attitude, God will make this clear to you.
1996-2004 Robert Nguyen Cramer